What Are the Most Common Cloud Services?

May 16, 2022


Cloud services give businesses of all kinds easy access to the information and systems they need from anywhere and at any time. These types of network solutions enable simple transitions into remote work, enhancing the speed of data sharing, saving money on physical equipment needed for storage, and providing advanced security features to protect sensitive data. Since more and more companies are moving to the cloud, it’s essential to determine which cloud service is right for your business. Below is an outline of the three most common cloud services available.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a service, or SaaS, is the most widely used and well-known network solution for the cloud. The software you use is provided to you over the internet without needing to be downloaded onto a physical device or do any hardware or software management. Instead, the applications work by running on the SaaS provider’s servers, so you need to access them via the internet to use them.

Features of SaaS

The SaaS network solution can be beneficial for businesses that strive for a straightforward and easily accessible infrastructure for their company. In addition, small– and medium-sized businesses that want to collaborate with their team without needing to set up an involved IT hardware system could benefit from implementing a SaaS network solution. A few SaaS features include:

  • Customization: You can configure an application to fit your company’s style and needs without compromising the overall infrastructure set up by the SaaS provider.
  • Multinet architecture: Upgrades to the software or bug fixes are easily performed by the provider since everyone using their SaaS is on a common infrastructure and codebase.
  • Simplicity: The base infrastructure is simple to use, and you can update or customize its features with just a few adjustments, rather than spending months changing over traditional business software.
  • Security: While the provider of your SaaS is responsible for the security of the cloud itself, the actual access to your business’s system is up to you to protect. This is done by limiting employee access, implementing multi-factor authentication, and setting up end-to-end encryption for all services.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a service, or IaaS, is when a company rents or leases servers to which they can virtually connect to access all their data saved in the cloud. IaaS is used by businesses that require substantial infrastructure because it’s impractical to house it on their physical servers.

Features of IaaS

IaaS is a popular choice for businesses looking to compete with larger organizations without having to pay for expensive servers and the maintenance that comes along with them. A company can have access to top-of-the-line IT infrastructure at a fraction of the cost. This type of network solution enables a business to scale their IT resources up or down depending on the current demand without the need to adjust any physical hardware on-site. A few other useful features of IaaS include:

  • Continuity and recovery: Having your physical servers in a different location from your business can help maintain your system’s uptime despite any disaster or outage that may affect you. Your employees will still be able to access the data they need, and your business can continue functioning.
  • Powerful IT resources: Utilizing a cloud service such as IaaS gives you access to servers and storage you might not typically have. You can use any software or application without the risk of using up too much space or investing excess time in making the needed adjustments to your hardware.
  • Options: You have three different models to choose from when looking into IaaS for your cloud network solution.
    • Private cloud, which can be more expensive, but your cloud services are accessed using a private network link
    • Public cloud, which provides you with the same powerful computing services, since it’s public, you have less control over your specific configurations
    • Hybrid cloud, which combines both private and public cloud infrastructures

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a service, or PaaS, is a network solution that is provided to businesses that want to create and run software or applications without having to worry about the maintenance of the system itself. Simply put, you are given a platform to work on that you don’t have to build or take care of. You can just focus on the work.

Features of PaaS

All the updating, backups, and other backend maintenance is done for you by a third-party vendor provider when using PaaS. Any IT infrastructure needs are taken care of by the provider, so you never have to use your valuable time trying to update a system or make sure the servers are running smoothly. A few specific benefits of this network solution include:

  • Collaboration: You can collaborate on the same platform with your team and other developers from anywhere — in real-time, making your workflow go even smoother.
  • Fast turnaround: All information is up to date on the platform provided, so as each application is modified or developed, everyone will receive the same data and be able to continue working with the most current version of the software. This creates a more efficient work environment since you may not have to wait as long for file transfers or manually sync data.
  • Security options: As with most cloud services, the provider secures the cloud itself, but you must ensure the security of your applications. Most PaaS platforms will give you various add-ons and security tools to help protect your data.

Choosing Your Cloud Service

SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS each come with various features for you to consider for your business needs. Depending on the type of company you run or the future goals of your business, you may find one or a combination of two or more best for you. At Robust Network Solutions, we are ready to help you sift through the options and guide you toward a cloud service that takes your business in the right direction. Please contact us today for more information.