What Is Application Support?

Jun 13, 2022


Purchasing an application or implementing a system is only the beginning. It often takes a lot of time and effort to ensure you get the ROI you need from your investment tools. For organizations with limited resources, it can be challenging to know whether or not you’re getting all you can from your digital solutions, especially because some of them have so many potentially useful features. By using Robust Networks’ application support services, you can ensure you’re getting the most from your implementing solutions.

Harness the Power of Skilled Engineers

Robust Networks provides clients with far more than just tech support personnel. Skilled engineers are at the heart of Robust’s services. An engineer is a problem solver and creator, and Robust’s team has decades of expertise and experience working with a wide range of business solutions. As a result, clients get services provided by innovative thinkers intimately devoted to helping you succeed.

The Three Branches of Application Support

While there is a wide variety of applications that companies use in their day-to-day workflows, the vast majority of them fall under one of the following three categories:

  • Business applications
  • Collaboration
  • Email and unified communications

Business Applications

The successful use of business applications depends on ensuring that your tools support workflows. Sometimes, the opposite can happen — people can spend a lot of time working to figure out their tools instead of letting their tools work for them. But with a business applications expert, you get an experienced professional who knows how to align the apps you use with the tasks most central to your success, empowering business continuity and operational efficiencies.

The first step in the process involves gathering information about what your company does and how. During this discovery period, you also share some of the efficiency goals you’re hoping to use your business apps to accomplish.

In some cases, you may be focusing on executing a digital transformation — or one of several phases in the process. Regardless of what your organization is doing or has planned, the info gleaned during the investigation phase is then leveraged to choose the best possible experts to support you. They then use their skill and knowledge to bridge the gap between the apps you have and what they need to do for your business.


Because companies have been digitizing the collaboration process for decades, there are a lot of different options. Choosing which ones fit your needs — and then which features to use — can quickly become a time sink. With experienced professionals who understand how the various collaboration tools work and the best practices to get the most out of them, you can shorten the implementation runway and have a smooth takeoff.

For example, if you have to collaborate with a large international team of partners and vendors, you may need a more advanced, cloud-based system than a locally focused business would. Also, regardless of the size or operational span of a company, there needs to be room to scale up to meet your growth objectives.

Robust’s experts know how to choose the most effective collaboration tools. This can make it easier to share sensitive documents, files, and information, as well as ensure that everyone has a central repository of digital assets they can refer to.

Email and Unified Communications

Have you been thinking about upgrading or changing your email system? Or maybe you want to transition from an on-site email server to a cloud-based system. Making these kinds of adjustments and improvements can take a lot of work and learning on the job. But with experienced pros, you can cut down your implementation time and ensure that your email is configured according to your needs.

By the same token, unified communications, like other interactive network solutions, holds a lot of potential, but its implementation can be labor- and resource-intensive. Robust network’s unified communications experts can streamline the process of sourcing, configuring, and rolling out your system while keeping both effectiveness and cybersecurity top priorities.

You may not need all facets of a unified communications system, or your business may require a comprehensive, across-the-board solution. Robust Network’s experts take the time to figure out the ideal solution for you and how to leverage its features for your team’s success.

Get Application Support With Robust Networks

With seasoned, highly qualified engineers on your side, you can enjoy a smooth implementation as well as consistent, continuous support week in and week out. To learn more about Robust Networks’ application support services, reach out today.